It's been a bit since we got off the boat. We spent I few nights meandering down Highway 20 through the northern cascades. Wet. Pretty. Thought about climbing Mt. Baker but didn't feel up to it. Finally rolled into Winthrop, WA in the Methow valley last Wednesday. We got some good information on climbing and biking in the area and figured we might stay a day or two. On Thursday morning, we stopped into Methow Boot Repair and met Sid, the owner. Sid turned out to be awesome: helpful, friendly, generous, and enthusiastic, especially about climbing and mountaineering. Before long we'd hatched a plan to go up a couloir near the highway that evening. After going for a quick mountain bike ride we picked Sid up after work and embarked on our first snow climb. It was classic alpine climbing, with a mixture of moderate angle snow, ice, and rock scrambling. We got to the top right before dark and did most of the rappels and the hike out by headlamp. Sid has pictures and we'll post them when he emails them. Very successful mountaineering adventure!
We've spent quit a bit of time recently thinking and praying about what the Lord is calling us to in the future. We'll post on that soon. Suffice to say that we spent a few days in Winthrop camping out and working on that. On Saturday we went to a BBQ at the Friendship Alliance Church in Winthrop and spent some wonderful, encouraging time fellowshipping with the folks there. After Sunday service we left and drove to Sandpoint, ID.
We are currently in Sandpoint working on the van and enjoying the warmth, the beach, the Evans Brothers Coffee Roasters' deliciousness, and thinking some more about what the Lord might be dreaming up for us.
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